Top shots in 2013

For some reason, I don’t think that 2013 was a particularly good year. It seems like I only had a few good days of shooting and the rest were pedestrian. That’s not really how you want to introduce a post like this. But since this is an exercise that I have done the last few years, I feel the need to continue it, you know tradition, habit, addiction…

As always these are in no particular order and my top ten goes to eleven.

Black Oystercatcher

I should probably do a full post on oystercatchers, they have provided wonderful shots over the years.

Orca in Monterey Bay

I think that this one is going to slip in as number 11. I’m not entirely wild about the shot, but it is my best shot of wild Orca.

Checkerspot butterfly

Continuing my tradition of getting nice shots containing invasive plants, a Checkerspot butterfly on Poison hemlock.


The Osprey recently returned to the Reserve.

Rock and water

You kind of had to figure that this one might show up. Waves exploding on rocks, I can never get too much of that.

Townsend's Warbler

A Townsend’s Warbler in flight with a termite.

Pelicans diving

Just a few Brown Pelicans feeding at Monastery Beach.


Anthopleura elegantissima in Whalers Cove.

Great Horned Owl

When an owl calls out to you, you have to stop and find him.

Golden waves

Waves on Gibson Beach, taking advantage of smoke from the Big Sur Blaze.

Nesting night herons

Nesting Black-crowned Night Herons.

Top shots of 2012

Yes, it is that time of the year again. If you follow me on Flickr, you probably know most of these shots, because they been sitting in my Best of 2010 set for a good chunk of the year. But I did get some good shots yesterday, so there may be a wrinkle or two in the final list. As always, this list goes to eleven.

Nesting Herons

I’ll start with the nesting Great Blue Herons. There is just something majestically silly about proclaiming yourself the worlds greatest twig collector.

Harbor Seal birth

I captured a Harbor Seal birth, with Mom and the pup eyeing the gull.

White-tailed Kite

This White-tailed Kite gave me multiple opportunities to shoot it while circling over Mound Meadow.


MPC Softball, I hope to get to more games this season.

Chin slap

We marvel when a platform diver enters the water without a splash. Here is a 45 ton critter exiting the water with a minimal splash. We could learn a few things…

Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk in a pine. I was walking down the trail and saw binoculars seemingly focused on me, so I turned around.

Endeavour's last flight

Endeavour flies over Monterey.

A very intent stag

This guy was so focused on the doe ahead of him that I could have gotten closer, but then I would have had to change my lens.


A very late addition, but how can I skip a nice shot of antidunes.

Spotted Towhee

In a surprise move, I selected this Spotted Towhee shot over the one that I had I’m my “Best of” set.

Sea Otter regatta

Another surprise, this shot of the Sea Otter Regatta, beat out a shot of a real Sea Otter with her pup. Oh well, the decision of the judge is final.